Wednesday, October 14, 2015


Life isn't about finding yourself, it's about defining yourself.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Insecurity: an inability to identify or a distrust in one's ability to identify love.

Physical Love: the body's chemical reaction to the physical manifestation of one's desires and fears in another person.

Desire: a longing for experience

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Spoken Word

The power of words combined with the drama of showmanship. Check these out:

To the guys that may one day date my daughter - Jesse Parent

Dark  - Jon Goode

Joey - Neil Hilborn

I won't write your obituary Nora Cooper

For more offerings, check out Button Poetry on YouTube.

Friday, June 5, 2015


Four decades I've lived upon this rock                             
                                                                         suspended in space and time.

Four joys and four sorrows, I was granted 
                                                      for enlightenment, for growth, for appreciation, for comprehension. 

For the express pleasure of being able to say, on this day, that I am blessed beyond words and thankful beyond measure.

Friday, May 22, 2015


I have the use of both eyes and ears, arms and legs and all twenty digits. I am not so hardened that I can no longer love. I am not so blinded that I can no longer trust. I am not so jaded that I can no longer forgive. I am not so brainwashed that I can no longer believe. I falter. I bleed. I survive. Occasionally, I thrive. Every day, I am thankful.